Hiking the Tokaido Road, Part 9 — Hakone Yumoto to Lake Ashi

<p>This part of the route I both looked forward to the most and dreaded. Why? Today will be the first day that I walk through wilderness, and on an ancient stone-paved road. The dread? 2560 feet (780 meters) of vertical ascent. Let&rsquo;s get into the story&hellip;</p> <p>Quite a few people have emailed me worrying about my blistered toe. Well, today I&rsquo;m worried too! Walking on level ground is one thing, but going uphill? I don&rsquo;t know if my toe will hold out. This is my prep to help it be the best little toe it can be: Cut and stick on moleskin around the blister so the surrounding area is elevated. Then tape up the whole thing so the moleskin can&rsquo;t move around during the day. (making sure to put some tissue paper on the tape where it&rsquo;s over the blister) Finally, put on my socks as normal. I hope it works today!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@aaron.c/hiking-the-tokaido-road-part-9-hakone-yumoto-to-lake-ashi-74ea0f477884"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tokaido Road