The Relevance of Anthropology in Today’s World

<p>It was a balmy summer afternoon on a Sunday as I was fiddling with the TV remote and came across what seemed like a documentary on an African tribe. It was on National Geographic Channel and my grandfather asked me to stop browsing and watch this. A 14-year-old me was although fascinated with their distinctive hairstyles and multitudes of colourful beads, necklaces, and bracelets; it was also the first time I heard the word &ldquo;Anthropology&rdquo;. As the obvious confusion on my face gave away, my grandfather, a professor of Sanskrit at Vidyasagar University, said aloud, &ldquo;You know Archaeology, right? From those movies you see? You also know Geology, the study of rocks. Your father&rsquo;s friend is a Geologist. Anthropology is also very interesting. It is the study of humans. No, sorry. It is study of what&nbsp;<em>makes</em>&nbsp;us humans.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Todays world