This Happens? You’re Too Old To Be a Programmer

<p>Age catches up with all of us. Slightly less hair, slightly more on the waistline. Google even has a name for these aged bodies.&nbsp;<em>Greyglers.</em></p> <p><strong><em>That&rsquo;s anyone working at Google over the age of 40</em></strong></p> <p>Although Google pigeonholes you according to birthdate, not all software development companies do that. More enlightened companies look out for this warning sign&nbsp;<strong><em>no matter your biological age</em></strong>. They judge you and will throw you on the scrap heap if you signal the following.</p> <p>These&nbsp;<strong><em>aren&rsquo;t</em></strong>&nbsp;the things that tell you that you&rsquo;re too old for a development career. It&rsquo;s not that easy to tell when you&rsquo;ve become that grumpy shadow who prevents the team from reaching its potential.</p> <p>Before we dive into the signs that you&rsquo;re decrepit, too old, and past it; let us see the&nbsp;<strong><em>advantages</em></strong>&nbsp;of having more miles on the clock.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Happens