Côtes Du Grôan: A Short Update On Wine Time Wednesday

<p>Yes that&rsquo;s right, grape brothers and sisters. Another Wine Time Wednesday(TM) is upon us, which gives me an opportunity to briefly recap what has happened since I last posted.</p> <p>A few weeks ago during the seasonal monsoon of gloom that descended on my spirits, I had an idea. I would purchase one bottle of wine each week on a Wednesday and drink it, as part of an extremely exclusive club (my wife and I).</p> <p>I am in no other respect a serious drinker, so it seemed reasonable to apply for membership and I found to my delight that I was happy to accept myself as a member. Once I&rsquo;d given verbal agreement and signed a compulsory statement about alcohol dependency, I was given a members&rsquo; badge and also a moleskin notebook for tasting notes.</p> <p><a href="https://themanicdepressiveshandbook.com/c%C3%B4tes-du-gr%C3%B4an-a-short-update-on-wine-time-wednesday-ae456b27f797"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Time Wednesday