Time to Reevaluate Political Parties

<p>Is it time to speak out loud about what is obvious? The party of Lincoln no longer functions cohesively. Is it time to let that mantel go and create new parties and coalitions with new names and identities? Or should this House majority party seek family counseling for the challenges so brutally apparent from the outside?</p> <p>Those taking a stand on ideological grounds seem unwilling to move at six ballots. Does the desire to remain in control of the House sway ideology? Or is it time to finally subdivide the political parties into new parties? Is it time, as happens in this country, for the shifts in culture and society to create different political parties cohering around more than &ldquo;we disagree with them&rdquo;?</p> <p><a href="https://nanceetomlinson.medium.com/time-to-reevaluate-political-parties-ed6a45f41cf9"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>