Where Does Energy Come from and Go to? — Time, Physically!

<p>&ldquo;Nothing can be accelerated to the speed of light&nbsp;<strong>c</strong>&rdquo; because it will require infinite energy to do so, even for a particle, even more so for a car, why? According to the&nbsp;<strong>mv&sup2;/2</strong>&nbsp;formula, the energy required for getting to&nbsp;<strong>c</strong>-speed is finite&nbsp;<strong>mc&sup2;/2</strong>. However, Einstein found that&nbsp;<strong>mv&sup2;/2</strong>&nbsp;formula is correct only for velocities much smaller than&nbsp;<strong>c</strong>. The energy formula changes with high velocities because time inside sped up objects slows down, and energy is very sensitive to time: even&nbsp;<strong>Joule</strong>&nbsp;energy unit strongly depends on time,&nbsp;<strong>Joule</strong>=kg&times;m<strong>&sup2;</strong>/<strong>sec&sup2;</strong>. If we denote rate of time dilation as&nbsp;<strong>D</strong>, meaning&nbsp;<strong>D=2</strong>&nbsp;if time slows down twice (for 1 second outside the object, 0.5 seconds pass inside the object), then the actual energy formula for any object, moving or stationary, is&nbsp;<strong>mc&sup2;(D+1/D)/2</strong>. How does time dilation&nbsp;<strong>D</strong>&nbsp;depend on velocity? Einstein&rsquo;s formula for that is&nbsp;<strong>D=1/sqrt(1-v&sup2;/c&sup2;)</strong>, where&nbsp;<strong>sqrt</strong>&nbsp;denotes square root. By this formula, if velocity of the object is half the speed of light, then for 1 second outside this object,</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/timematters/where-does-energy-come-from-and-go-to-time-physically-d28e3f34e28e"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>