My Grandma Taught Me the Secret of Time Management

<p>Old traditions and habits are rather like a cozy blanket. And for me, one of these is being an early riser. There&rsquo;s absolute truth in the fact that waking up early usually makes your day go much better than if you don&rsquo;t.</p> <p>Constantly hitting the snooze button only leads to panic and the miserable realization that you&rsquo;ve lost precious time &mdash; time you&rsquo;ll never get back.</p> <p>Then follows a series of adjustments in varying levels of difficulty and embarrassment.</p> <p>Not nice, is it?</p> <h2>I come from a family of early risers</h2> <p>I grew up in a family where rising at 6:00 a.m. was considered &ldquo;late&rdquo;. Almost every member of the household in our joint family of twelve (I know, practically an assorted cricket team there!) woke up between 4:00 and 4:15 a.m. and went about their routine like clockwork.</p> <p>While one drew rangoli in front of the house to welcome the goddess of prosperity, someone else got the filter coffee going. One person always had the duty of grinding the roasted beans the night before and filling the traditional steel filter with coffee powder.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>