How to Use Time Blocking to Get Things Done

<p>What could you achieve by blocking your time?</p> <p>If any of you know me well, or have ever taken a peek at my planner, you know that I&rsquo;m a huge proponent of the to-do list. Actually, sometimes I&rsquo;m a to-do lister to a fault, because I&rsquo;ll spend my time making these elaborate lists, and then become overwhelmed by the quantity of things I want to get done &mdash; all, of course, instead of simply getting to work.</p> <p>I have found that to-do lists are a good springboard into a more actionable time management strategy of time blocking.</p> <blockquote> <p><a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&ldquo;Time-blocking is essentially organizing your day in a series of time slots.&rdquo;</a></p> </blockquote> <p>So, typically I start with my to-do list for the day, recognizing where I need to prioritize my time (so I don&rsquo;t get overwhelmed by the big picture of a hefty list).&nbsp;<strong>I take a look at my day and figure out where I can insert time blocks to work on specific projects.</strong></p> <p>I like to use time blocks anywhere from 45&ndash;90 minutes if I&rsquo;m working solely on one project or task. Sometimes I&rsquo;ll use the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Pomodoro Technique</a>&nbsp;to build a momentum.</p> <p><strong>Time blocks work well for me because they give me a structure through which I don&rsquo;t have to expend extra energy figuring out what to do next.</strong>&nbsp;They give me a set amount of time between meetings, breaks, and other things that pop up throughout my day to sit down and focus on one of my prioritized to-do list tasks or projects.</p> <p>Sometimes I&rsquo;ll even fit multiple smaller tasks into a time block because I know I&rsquo;ll be able to get all of them done within that time frame. This saves me time and energy trying to decide when I want to get these smaller, tedious tasks done throughout the day. This is time and energy that I instead want to reserve for the larger, high-focus tasks and projects.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Time Blocking