Tikkunei Zohar English Translation & Basic Commentary — Tikkun 5

<p>In the beginning, two beginnings, a point in its palaces, and this point is a concealed thought. So when Elijah appeared to Rabbi Shimon, he said to him, &lsquo;Rabbi, Rabbi,&rsquo; and this is two openings. If so, what is the concealed thought in it? Rather, in the head of the king&rsquo;s craft, in the hidden depths, as the measure of the Messiah, this point, from which a line emanates, containing hidden sparks, this thought is like this &lsquo;mem&rsquo;. Initially, it is the &lsquo;mem stumah&rsquo; [closed mem], and when the line extends, which is the &lsquo;vav&rsquo; from the measure, it opens up and becomes &lsquo;bet&rsquo;, and this is the beginning, two beginnings, a point in its palaces.</p> <p><a href="https://eyeofheaven.medium.com/tikkunei-zohar-english-translation-basic-commentary-tikkun-5-920eba3bc5c8"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>