Tikkunei Zohar English Translation & Basic Commentary — Tikkun 5
<p>In the beginning, two beginnings, a point in its palaces, and this point is a concealed thought. So when Elijah appeared to Rabbi Shimon, he said to him, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi,’ and this is two openings. If so, what is the concealed thought in it? Rather, in the head of the king’s craft, in the hidden depths, as the measure of the Messiah, this point, from which a line emanates, containing hidden sparks, this thought is like this ‘mem’. Initially, it is the ‘mem stumah’ [closed mem], and when the line extends, which is the ‘vav’ from the measure, it opens up and becomes ‘bet’, and this is the beginning, two beginnings, a point in its palaces.</p>
<p><a href="https://eyeofheaven.medium.com/tikkunei-zohar-english-translation-basic-commentary-tikkun-5-920eba3bc5c8"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>