Tigers Above and Below

<p>There is a Buddhist parable about a woman who is running away from tigers. The tigers however, keep coming closer and closer. She reaches the edge of a steep cliff, holds on to some vines and climbs down. To her astonishment, she finds tigers below as well. She then notices that a mouse is gnawing away at the vine that she is clinging on to desperately. She sees a bunch of strawberries on a bush close to her. She looks up and then down. She looks at the mouse. Finally, she just picks the strawberry, puts it in her mouth and thoroughly enjoys eating it.</p> <p>Tigers everywhere, above and below. This is how our life is, in our journey between life and death. We are always in a dilemma. However, every moment in our life is just what it is. We may worry about it or enjoy it as it is. It may be that it is the sole strawberry that we may get to eat. But in spite of all precariousness, let us value the moment for what it is and what it offers.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@peacefaith196/tigers-above-and-below-34a35f0acc68"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tigers