Season 1 | One-Way Ticket to Barcelona

<p>I really thought I&rsquo;d become a legit blogger when I moved to Barcelona. You know, finally, I&rsquo;d have all this fun content to share!</p> <p>One post. I wrote one 760-word-long post in 6 months. And even that was a late one about pre-departure feels. So that&rsquo;s the first lesson about moving abroad &mdash; you can&rsquo;t run away from yourself and your bad habits, that is, massive procrastination in my case. But&hellip; here I am to let you into my emotional world of the first few months &mdash; Season 1 &mdash; of living the dream.</p> <p>The arrival day. On the taxi ride from the airport, Frank Sinatra&rsquo;s &ldquo;Nothing but the Best&rdquo; is playing in my earphones as the driver unknowingly completes the tune with his whistling. It&rsquo;s raining, but I find it rather funny than depressing. I look outside the window with the main character&rsquo;s glare and wonder about all this could be &mdash; all the possibilities that await right there as soon as I&rsquo;ll exit the car.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>