Tibetan Bells And Cleansing

<p>Since the ancient Buddhist monks and other meditation practictioners, Tibetan Bells are used for cleansing and clearing negative energy. There are some energies that you may not be accustomed to. The other day, I was talking about the universal energy and metaphysics how who we are, what we do, and the people we associate with affect things.</p> <p>I learned about using Tibetan Bells to cleanse negative energy and keep yourself mentally sharp while working on a project with an Asian American. Wellness is something that I always preach about and I have dedicated many topics like meditation, exercising, journaling, reading novels, important magazines, and other personal development mediums to it.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@Vincent_Apunike/tibetan-bells-and-cleansing-00005f8ad37a"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tibetan Bells