Throwing Away My Bicycle Was The Best Decision I Ever Made!

<p>It dawned on me the other day&hellip; I&rsquo;ve been riding bikes for a very long time. From big wheels to training wheels to my first dirt bike to my first ten-speed, steel, aluminum, and carbon, department store mountain bikes to fancy bike store road bikes, tandems, hybrids, fixed-gear, single-speed, 10, 12, and more speeds than I can know what to do with, when you tally it up, we are closing in on nearly 40 years of riding bicycles.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*DZCi2SgbOs1s3CSn.jpg" style="height:348px; width:500px" /></p> <p><em>photo: me crossing the finish line after the Tour de Cure 100 mile bike ride.</em></p> <p>Oy. That&rsquo;s a long ass time and goodness knows how many miles (no Strava apps in the 70s, I&rsquo;m afraid).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Throwing Away