Nurturing a Thriving Ecosystem with Permaculture and Pollinators

<p>In my years of cultivating a self-sustaining garden, I&rsquo;ve unearthed methods and mindsets that have greatly enriched both my soil and my life.</p> <p>Today, I share these insights, hoping to illuminate the path for those who wish to nurture their own piece of earth into a resilient haven.</p> <p>A self-sustaining garden begins with the soil. My soil&rsquo;s vitality is the bedrock of my garden&rsquo;s health, and I&rsquo;ve learned that the best way to enrich it is by returning to it.</p> <p>I make my own compost from kitchen scraps and garden trimmings, which decomposes into a rich humus that gives back to the earth tenfold. It&rsquo;s a simple cycle: my waste becomes my wealth.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>