Aging and thriving in place

<p>As we consider how to create healthy places to live, work, play, and age, an important first step is to distinguish between health and health care. These things are related but not synonymous. Health is about living well and thriving day to day. It&rsquo;s a measure of how well we are feeling, how closely connected we are to friends and family, and how high our quality of life is. Health care, meanwhile, is typically a response to illness.</p> <p>Planning and programming designed to support good health is concerned with preventing illness in the first place and enabling people to thrive. Enhancing the health of individuals and communities cannot be the domain of health care service providers or public health professionals alone. Transforming how cities and neighbourhoods support improved health requires participation of a broad set of stakeholders who together adopt health as a shared priority.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Thriving