AI is threatening to take my job!

<p>The reason for the rejection of many of my quotes has become the cost, this has never been an issue in the past. I read every word my clients write, at least twice, and make suggestions as to how to improve the parts that need work. This takes time! Have your ever read 50,000 words while actively looking for errors in spelling or grammar?</p> <p>There are now AI tools that can do this nearly as well as a human can, and I suspect these tools are being employed by other editors and they are then able to work more quickly and therefore more cheaply than I am. However, does AI actually catch all the errors? I think not, I believe that you can&rsquo;t beat having a human look at your work to pick up all the little nuances that AI will likely miss.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Threatening