What’s wrong with Thomas Sowell?
<p>There is something of an obsession among my fellow evangelicals with an economist named Thomas Sowell. I’ve seen his name trotted out all over the place — most recently, Thaddeus Williams’s book <a href="https://www.zondervan.com/9780310119487/confronting-injustice-without-compromising-truth/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth</em></a> calls him “the other St. Thomas.” Williams repeats a claim I’ve heard many times: he’s never heard anyone engage the arguments of Thomas Sowell (or any number of other Black conservatives). Many of Sowell’s avid fans, of which the Internet contains multitudes, make the conjecture that this is because people on the left are afraid of Sowell’s no-nonsense, fact-based challenges to their arguments.</p>
<p><a href="https://dawsonvosburg.medium.com/whats-wrong-with-thomas-sowell-464baab5978e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>