Why No One Should Be Calling Sally Hemings Thomas Jefferson's Mistress

<p>From a Black American perspective, this country has a duplicitous nature, like Thalia and Melpomene, the Greek comedy and tragedy mask. How else can you explain that Thomas Jefferson, our country&#39;s third president and &quot;founding father,&quot; who claimed &quot;all men are created equal&quot; in&nbsp;<em>The Declaration of Independence</em>&nbsp;enslaved hundreds of Black people? At Monticello, his Virginia plantation, Jefferson deprived hundreds of Black people of any semblance of equality, let alone the right to &quot;life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,&quot; he alluded to in America&#39;s founding doctrine. And the story of Sally Hemings puts a fine point on the injustices Black women regularly experienced during the chattel slavery era.</p> <p><a href="https://allyfromnola.medium.com/why-no-one-should-be-calling-sally-hemings-thomas-jeffersons-mistress-02156a81b60a"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>