This is me, unapologetically me

<p>Growing up in a typical Asian family, there was this expectation to achieve the best. I got used to it over time, with sibling rivalry and constant comparison are the norm. If I couldn&rsquo;t achieve what they did, it was considered a failure. And even if I did achieve the same, it wasn&rsquo;t seen as anything special because, well, it was just expected.</p> <p>You know, people always say that family is like the first school for children. I feel like I&rsquo;ve been through that &ldquo;schooling&rdquo; big time, and it has shaped me for my entire 24 years of life. Since I was a kid, I&rsquo;ve been holding back my emotions. Being vulnerable? Pfft, my parents never bothered to listen. My dad was tough, and he forced his so-called &ldquo;correct&rdquo; ways on us kids. And my mom? She was all about that traditional stuff, thinking my dad&rsquo;s approach would keep their children in line. For my parents, the process didn&rsquo;t matter; it was all about the end result.</p> <p>Now, after all those years, I naively believed all that mattered was being the best version of myself, &rsquo;cause that&rsquo;s how I&rsquo;d fit in and secure my place in this world &mdash; I totally bought into the idea that showing my real, messy, and childish self was totally unnecessary. I mean, you know how the world just adores perfection, right? Being smart or pretty? Well, that&rsquo;s not my thing. But hey, I&rsquo;ve got a talent &mdash; I can be the kindest person you&rsquo;ll ever meet.</p> <p>But, here&rsquo;s the twist. Somewhere in this journey of spreading sunshine, I think I&rsquo;ve taken a detour. It&rsquo;s not just about being kind anymore; I&rsquo;ve mastered the art of bending backward to please people.</p> <p>I hardly complain to people, but in my mind, it&rsquo;s like a never-ending babble fest up there.&nbsp;When people wrong me, instead of getting mad at them, I turn the blame on myself.&nbsp;It&rsquo;s like I&rsquo;m the master of making excuses for their behavior. &ldquo;Oh, it&rsquo;s not their fault; it&rsquo;s all mine,&rdquo; &ldquo;This is because I&rsquo;m not good enough,&rdquo; or I even find myself thinking, &ldquo;Why be angry about such small matters? I should be the bigger person and apologize.&rdquo; It&rsquo;s like I&rsquo;ve got this automatic &ldquo;self-blame&rdquo; mode that kicks in whenever something goes wrong, all in the pursuit of being the so-called &ldquo;Mother Teresa&rdquo;.</p> <p>Wait, you&rsquo;re asking if that&rsquo;s the worst of me? I&rsquo;ve been spilling that tea right from the beginning of this story. I&rsquo;m like a blend of all the not-so-great traits out there, rolled into one hot mess. Not only am I a people pleaser, but I&rsquo;ve also got this impressive talent for sabotaging myself. Oh, and let&rsquo;s not forget my all-time favorite hobby &mdash; second-guessing people and overthinking stuff. Voil&agrave;, that&rsquo;s me in a nutshell and that&rsquo;s how I&rsquo;ve been living my life for the past decade.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>