This Company Uses Machine Learning to Track Your Antibodies

<p>I&rsquo;m writing this almost exactly three years after I first heard of the coronavirus. Although by now just about everyone I know has suffered a COVID-19 infection (or two), so far I&rsquo;ve somehow escaped without so much as a sniffle. Am I off the hook? Or will I eventually succumb like everyone else? To find out, I&rsquo;ve been participating in a clinical study from the Goleta, California-based biotech company,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Serimmune</a>. They hope to answer that question, not just for COVID-19 but for dozens and potentially, all infectious diseases.</p> <p>Viral pathogens affect everyone differently, barely noticeable in some, but causing weeks of bedridden agony or worse in others. Whether you get sick or not can depend on your previous infection history, exposure level, general health factors like obesity, or (especially with COVID-19) age. We all know people who were infected despite doing everything &ldquo;right,&rdquo; and vice versa: those who appear the most reckless seem to get off scot-free. When contributor and long-time self-tracker Esther Dyson&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">quantified her vaccination experience</a>&nbsp;back in 2021, she suspected she had been infected as early as February 2020, though her subsequent antibody tests all showed negative. Did she really have it? Is she still at risk? Like her, I&rsquo;m active, healthy, and vaccinated &mdash; but I sure would like to know if I&rsquo;m out of the woods.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>