These 3 companies own everything in the world, and are the reason for the majority of our problems!

<p>While we all are familiar with corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Tesla, etc. they are not the ones that cause as much destruction as the three companies that a majority of the world is simply unaware of.</p> <p>Let me introduce you to the three evil corporations &mdash; Blackrock, Vanguard, and Cargill.</p> <p><img alt="BlackRock office in the USA. Credits: CoinDesk" src="*EFDwTc6fqVA6zLEzwyF0wg.png" style="height:467px; width:700px" /></p> <p>BlackRock office in the USA.&nbsp;<strong>Credits</strong>: CoinDesk</p> <h1>Blackrock</h1> <p>What does Blackrock do essentially? The answer is &mdash; nothing. Blackrock produces nothing, manufactures nothing, and only collects the rent.</p> <p>Yes, that is all.</p> <p>Blackrock owns millions of properties across the globe and has tagged itself as an investment fund, something that millionaires and billionaires put their money in.</p> <p>The investment funds are like banks but for multi-millionaires and billionaires of the world, where they can park their money and get some risk advice. In return, they also earn a decent interest on their money, so they prefer companies such as BlackRock, over traditional banks.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>