5 Songs About The 5 Most Sung-About Cities In The World

<p>People have been singing about cities for as long as cities have been&hellip; a thing&hellip; wait, what? Anyway, yes, people like to sing about their city, their hometown, the place where they grew up or just a city they wish to go to or move to. Cities have served as inspiration for countless songs, not to mention countless movies.</p> <p>But what are the 5 most sung-about cities in the world? No points for guessing New York City and London! Unsurprisingly, those are the top 2, but what are the other 3? Forbes Magazine released an article in 2019 listing the cities with the most songs in their honor. I&rsquo;ve decided to focus on the top 5 and I&rsquo;m going to pick a song I like about each of the most sung-about cities in the world, counting down from 5.</p> <p><a href="https://saintmartincarol.medium.com/5-songs-about-the-5-most-sung-about-cities-in-the-world-f0912de8ae9b"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Cities world