The Whole NFT Royalty Ecosystem Is a Giant Disaster, But It Was Also Inevitable Given the Market Size

<p>For quite some time now, the topic of&nbsp;<strong>royalties&nbsp;</strong>(aka&nbsp;<strong>artist royalties</strong>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<strong>creator royalties</strong>)<strong>&nbsp;</strong>has been dominating the NFT space. Mostly, it&rsquo;s been general arguing and bickering on Twitter and elsewhere, but yesterday OpenSea made a move that&rsquo;s going to really push this into the next level. Whether it turns out to be a good or bad move is up for debate. Here are the basics on this whole issue, at least from my own perspective.</p> <h1>Background on NFT Royalties</h1> <p>My&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">very first article on NFTs</a>&nbsp;came out on April 2, 2021, just a few weeks after the famous $69 million Beeple NFT sale (the mind-boggling event that launched my own obsession with NFTs). In that article, I noted that NFTs &ldquo;were conceptualized way back in 2014 by a tech guy and an artist &mdash; Anil Dash and Kevin McCoy (story&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>&nbsp;in&nbsp;<em>The Atlantic</em>) &mdash; specifically as a way to&nbsp;<em>help artists</em>.&rdquo;</p> <p>Helping artists has always been at the core of NFTs.&nbsp;And, at the time of their invention, the initial push of that whole thing was the novel creation of a unique&nbsp;<em>digital asset &mdash;&nbsp;</em>something that was not&nbsp;<em>fungible</em>&nbsp;(by virtue of it being singularly tokenized on the blockchain). Dash and McCoy apparently initially thought of NFTs as &ldquo;monetized graphics,&rdquo; according to that&nbsp;<em>Atlantic&nbsp;</em>piece.</p> <p>And years went by with little fanfare aside from various at-the-time minor NFT projects like the crypto punks (which anyone back then could have grabbed for free). And then in 2021 the whole thing blew up Big-Bang-style, first with that Beeple sale, and soon after with generative sets like the Bored Apes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: NFT Royalty