The Upside of Bipolar — The Hidden Strength Within

<p>When I was diagnosed with Bipolar, it felt like my life ended. It felt like I received a sign with the word Doomed in it. I felt like giving up on life.</p> <p>I never seemed to fit in. I looked through all closets at home when I was 7 years old, trying to find proof that I was adopted. I walked through life like a chameleon. I took on different masks to adopt to different situations I was in. Trying to hide the weirdness within.</p> <p>I felt there was always something going on with me that wasn&rsquo;t quite right. I felt there was something horribly wrong with me. Most of the time I had no clue beforehand how I would react to anything. It all depended on the mood I happened to be in.</p> <p>When the doctor told me that I had bipolar type 1 I felt like it was just time to give up. There was no chance that I could ever succeed in life. There was no chance that someone could ever love me. There was no chance of ever fitting in. It was final, it was all too clear, I was a total nutcase. Doomed for life.</p> <p>But, what if I told you that&nbsp;<strong>it wasn&rsquo;t the end of the world?</strong></p> <p>What if I told you, who have recently been diagnosed with Bipolar that life goes on, AND&nbsp;<strong>it can be even better!</strong></p> <p>Don&rsquo;t take me wrong, it&rsquo;s definitely not an easy ride! It will be the ride of a lifetime, if you let it be! Both ups and downs.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>