The Unseen Revolution ~The Overthrow of Money

<p>This is a declaration of sorts, like the Communist Manifesto&hellip;to many this is your cue to stop reading, but I promise you this much: It won&rsquo;t be boring. I&rsquo;m a lot less verbose than my predecessor. And I only have one point to make.</p> <p><strong>Consent of the Governed</strong></p> <p>Our founders were very wise, and they made a system, which has its faults, of course, but largely works, and had led them to do two very important things: 1) They didn&rsquo;t practise capitalism; something my predecessor noticed, and 2) They stuck to and lived by some very important values.</p> <p>I will not make the historical case here on why did they not practise capitalism. You only need to look up a few quotes from our 3rd president, Thomas Jefferson, for that. And he says it much more eloquently than I would.</p> <p>But I would like to focus on part 2; that is, the idea of Consent.</p> <p><strong>We Never Consented to Be Ruled by Money</strong></p> <p>Let&rsquo;s move away from money for a moment, and look at two other systems: 1) Slavery; 2) National Socialism and Russian Communism.</p> <p>In both systems, a labourer, worker, was not free. They had to give up their labour-time by legal-order.</p> <p>This point is very important. Other than outright disobedience, disorder, or revolution, there was no choice, no escape.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>