The Ultimate Glute Strengthening Guide for Runners

<p>Glute training for runners is an art. It&rsquo;s more than just doing a few hip extensions and calling it a day. You will only maximize the strength and function at this crucial muscle group once you make things relevant to your craft. If you haven&rsquo;t already noticed, most runners don&rsquo;t exactly specialize in miracle acts of mobility or flexibility. The gait is much more focused on single-leg stability and strength, especially near the end ranges of hip and knee extension.</p> <p>To help translate work in the gym directly to the roads and trails, we must apply knowledge of running biomechanics to the exercises we choose to work on. This will not only lead to the best possible performance on race day but it&rsquo;ll also help you steer clear of injuries along the way. To keep things simple, I&rsquo;ve dropped three of my favorite &lsquo;underrated&rsquo; glute exercises that many runners overlook. This short program should only take you about 5 minutes to complete and can be done in your own home with a few pieces of equipment.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>