The Summer the Sex Offenders Moved in & Forced the Girls to Cover up

<p>The year I turned 13, the authorities in my small school town implemented a rather controversial social initiative: grouping convicted sex offenders together and rehousing them in a top-secret location for their own protection.</p> <p>The intention:&nbsp;<strong>To rehabilitate and reintegrate them safely into society.</strong></p> <p>The location of choice:&nbsp;<strong>An apartment complex next to a girls&rsquo; school.</strong></p> <p>When I was younger, I attended an all-girls private school in a nearby town. Like all private schools in the area, it was mandatory for us to wear a school uniform at all times and have a school-branded sports kit.</p> <p>Aside from the summer and winter versions of each, both uniforms remained the same from ages 11 to 18 &mdash; music to the ears of parents with multiple daughters, who could optimise a hand-me-down system to avoid the stratospheric yearly cost of buying new.</p> <p>So, imagine our collective surprise when, in the summer of 2005, we discovered that there had been a complete overhaul to the designs of both uniforms, and we were required to purchase the new versions immediately.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sex Offenders