The Simple Secret to Freeing Yourself From Worry

<p>Freedom from worry?</p> <p>Are you kidding? How dare you reduce it down to a simple secret?</p> <p>That was the reaction from one of my clients when I posed this idea. We had a laugh: she had a good point.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s not possible to never worry about anything. To achieve that state you&rsquo;d have to in a remote mountain range and, even then, I suspect there&rsquo;d be a bit to fret about.</p> <p>Worry helps us frame up the world. It attunes us to potential risk, helps us to prepare for difficulty, to solve problems; it motivates us to make change for the better.</p> <p>But it can also make a meal of us physically, mentally and emotionally. It can cause angst and distress at levels that stop us from not just enjoying life, but from living it.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>
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