the rooftop of my ex-flat

<p>Shyoop and I were walking on the rooftop of my ex-flat in Delhi and we confirmed for the third time that there&rsquo;s something about it that makes everyone open up, that makes us talk about things that we think about but haven&rsquo;t said out loud, that makes us talk about ourselves, the mistakes we made some time ago and our learnings from it; Something about the rooftop that makes us more accepting of our faults, lets us admit about some mistakes, lets us apologize for others, lets us discuss our shortcomings with others, opening up the possibility of embedding our takeaways from the incident even more; Something about the roofttop that makes us connect with ourselves even more, makes us honest-er.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Rooftop