The Reinvention of Failure

<p>Failure makes us a fool.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s the idea of rejection, the concept, that makes us fearful.</p> <p><em>Getting rejected, an idea flops, you don&rsquo;t get the job, the startup closes down, your writing gets zero views.</em></p> <p>It&rsquo;s all-encompassing. The thought that somebody else might think bad of you cripples you beyond belief. It&rsquo;s this blanket hanging over you, this illusion of what failure is, how bad it is, how life is never going to be the same if you fail.</p> <p>But here&rsquo;s a question, is failure<em>&nbsp;that&nbsp;</em>bad.</p> <h1>Failures are plenty</h1> <p>I remember my most embarrassing moment. I was due to give a presentation in front of my whole university class. The thought of it didn&rsquo;t make me that nervous. I&rsquo;d given presentations before, and I was confident.</p> <p>My friend said to me&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;you&rsquo;ll be fine, you&rsquo;re great at presenting.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>So I did what every overconfident person does. I didn&rsquo;t prepare. Even now I can see myself in my dorm room, thirty minutes before my presentation, doing a run-through.</p> <p>It was a minute and a half.<em>&nbsp;Oops.</em></p> <p>It was meant to be five minutes. I was short. Like really short. I practised again.</p> <p>Short again.</p> <p><em>Oh no. This is not good.</em></p> <p>But I didn&rsquo;t have any time. I had to walk across campus and this is all I had. One minute thirty and that was it.</p> <p>I sat in the lecture hall, my left leg tapping. I didn&rsquo;t have thoughts. I was just a bucket of nervous energy.&nbsp;<em>Where had this come from, I didn&rsquo;t worry about presentations&hellip; did I?&nbsp;</em>The other groups went first.</p> <p>Presentation after presentation.</p> <p>They were good. I mean, really good. This one guy looked like he was so at home up in front of the crowd he could be mistaken for the lecturer.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>