The Real Obstacles I Faced to Become a Software Engineer (It Wasn’t My Gender)

<p>How did you discover the job that you do now?</p> <p>For those Software Engineers out there: when did you know that programming was what you wanted to do? When did you first write some code?</p> <p>I studied computer science at university, but it took some luck, trial and error to find out that this is what I wanted to do with my life. I didn&rsquo;t even know what code was until I was 18 years old. This was only in 2013, with mobile phones and social media almost as big as it is today.</p> <p>So how did I have no clue about the world of tech?</p> <h1>Girls are discouraged from computing</h1> <p>We&rsquo;ve all heard the narrative of how women are dissuaded to study computer science. Society tells us that we should do other things instead, that we should embrace their &ldquo;maternal&rdquo; side and become a teacher, a carer, a nurse, etc.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>