The Power of the Unspoken: Cultural Differences in the Workplace

<p>Cultural values play a significant role in our interactions. The challenge is that those values are most often implicit &mdash; those who are part of the &ldquo;in group&rdquo; just know it&rsquo;s how things work. But what happens when you&rsquo;re not in that group?</p> <h1><strong>Why are we meeting?</strong></h1> <p>Years ago, I (Karl), a white man, had the privilege of overhearing a business meeting run entirely by a diverse group of Latine colleagues. It was a two-hour meeting amongst leaders, and I was in the car with my partner who was on the call. The first 80% of the meeting was just everyone catching up. What&rsquo;s going on personally and professionally in their lives? How are their families? What needs and longings did they have? Encouragement was freely given. Tears were celebrated. Then, in the last 20 minutes of the conversation, several key strategic decisions were made collectively and efficiently.<br /> <br /> This was fascinating! Operating in the dominant culture of the US business world where meetings quickly launch into agenda items, I was unaccustomed to this format of meeting. My partner, a Latine member of the team, responded to my confusion with wisdom: &ldquo;It&rsquo;s easy to make decisions when you&rsquo;ve built so much trust.&rdquo;</p> <p>This was one of the first times I realized how much culture matters in getting things done &mdash; even in the business world. It goes beyond acknowledging a cultural holiday or the latest race-related issue in the headlines. There are distinct, implicit cultural values that influence the purpose, dynamic, and outcome of any meeting.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Power Unspoken