The Platonic Solids in Python

<p>As a follow-up to my last article about convex hulls, we will use that skill to visualize the famous platonic solids. Platonic Solids are a unique set of three-dimensional shapes with specific properties that have fascinated mathematicians and scientists for centuries. Each face, edge, and angle within these figures is congruent. There are only five such solids that exist, and they have intrigued minds from ancient Greece to modern-day mathematicians.</p> <p>The history of Platonic Solids dates back to ancient Greece, where the philosopher Plato first described these five polyhedra in his dialogue &ldquo;Timaeus.&rdquo; These solids were believed to represent the fundamental building blocks of the universe: tetrahedron for fire, hexahedron for earth, octahedron for air, dodecahedron for the universe, and icosahedron for water. The famous mathematician Euclid later provided mathematical proofs and descriptions of these shapes in his work &ldquo;Elements.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>