Dispatches From Life Before the Pandemic-

<p>There is a plethora of things that I miss about pre-COVID life in Mexico City, after a total of six years in this sprawling, confounding metropolis. However, what stands out above all are the wild, endless nights spent partying with throngs of people, whether at a humble apartment or sprawling nightclub. These&nbsp;<em>noches largas</em>&nbsp;are what invokes the most intense periods of nostalgia in me. I arrived in Mexico City at age 25, and before I moved here, I was more likely to spend a Saturday night reading or watching a classic French film than going out all night; I requested a single room in my college dorm to avoid the reckless partying. Yet, when I arrived in the biggest city in the Western Hemisphere in 2015, everything changed.</p> <p>Here is a recounting- and a guide- to the&nbsp;<em>noches de danza y pedo&nbsp;</em>(nights of dancing and getting drunk) that perhaps will never quite return in the same way.</p> <p><a href="https://samuelburleigh.medium.com/dispatches-from-life-before-the-pandemic-ead7372173b5"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>