Since the Org Chart is Dead, what is next? Is it The Org Graph?

<p>With remote work being fully-embraced due to Covid 2020 and the continuing rise of the Gig economy, creating organizational cognizance thru the eyes of the individual contributor is more critical than ever.</p> <p>&ldquo;What am I doing, why and how?&rdquo; are the tip-of-the-spear answers individual contributors are looking for on a daily basis.</p> <p>Back in 2016 Aaron had it right - we need a way to capture, visualize and stay up to date not just on who we report to but all of the other relationships we handle as an individual contributor. (note: I am not using &ldquo;employee&rdquo; because the future is a hybrid and the word &ldquo;contributor&rdquo; captures my thinking more accurately)</p> <p>Modern contributors, especially Millennials, want up-to-date answers to these questions at their fingertips: What is the exact purpose of my Job, what is the purpose of each of my Roles/Positions that attach to this Job, who do I Report to, who is my Mentor, who do I turn to for Coaching, what Teams am I part of, what Meetings do I attend and why, what Entities do I interactive with (Projects, Clients, Customers, Contracts), what Systems do I login to, what Processes do I follow, what Workflows do I participate in, what are my Objectives, what are my Key Results, and what Skills do I require for my Job and Roles?</p> <p>Do we have a way to capture, display, update and navigate these questions?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Org Graph