The Next Wave of Tokenization Requires Smart Tokens

<p>In 2009 the world was given Bitcoin, opening our eyes to the possibilities of fungible tokens. In 2017 the world expanded the idea of what a token could be with the creation of the non-fungible token, sparking the NFT craze further expanding the idea of a token. Both token types are powerful and have shown the promise of a new decentralized web however, we have yet to give the world the mainstream use cases beyond tokens as an asset class. For tokenization to reach its full potential it needs something more, it needs Smart Tokens.</p> <p>Smart Tokens are a programmable blockchain-based entity that encapsulates business logic, enabling complex interactions with various systems and other tokens in a self-contained, interoperable format. Where regular tokens function as an asset, Smart Tokens function more like an application, enabling any business logic, data, or service to be derived via a token. They are composable and interoperable enabling any web service to integrate them directly.</p> <p>Smart Tokens enable better user experiences and create business efficiencies. They are the integration points of the next web, and the missing piece to unlocking mainstream tokenized use cases.</p> <p>Smart Tokens &amp; The Tokenized Web</p> <p>The web thrives on integration. Internet centers such as Google, Facebook &amp; Apple have been the enablers and limiters of the integrations that could happen. Smart Tokens offer a new approach. They carry information and functionality. They can represent a wide range of assets and rights and execute complex interactions with other tokens and systems.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>