The Most Obvious Thing About The Top Performers (That Nobody Talks About)

<p>I fear some people accidentally fell down this rabbit hole. Putting things off until 50 years later, they&rsquo;ve run out of time. I was walking down this road until I snapped myself out of it.</p> <p>And if you&rsquo;re worried you&rsquo;re walking down that road too, this is for you.</p> <h1>Success leaves clues</h1> <p>I started researching these successful folks. The top performers. Asking better questions. And you know what I found?</p> <ul> <li>Most had been in the game for ten years.</li> <li>Most had a bunch of failures but they just kept going.</li> <li>Most didn&rsquo;t &lsquo;pop&rsquo; off until they&rsquo;d spent years honing their craft.</li> </ul> <p>And the most obvious thing? Most believed that, given a long enough time horizon, they&rsquo;d make a success of this thing. And I think, on reflection, that&rsquo;s the secret sauce. If there is a secret, it&rsquo;s just the belief that you can.</p> <p>If you want to know the most common traits among the top performers, here they are:</p> <h1>1. They take action</h1> <p>I really believe one of the best skills you can hone is the ability to get stuff done. To figure it out. To make stuff happen. If you can be that person who doesn&rsquo;t know the answer but knows how to find out, well, then you&rsquo;ll fly.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Most Obvious