The Metaverse Will Be Less Anonymous Than You Think

<p>As you walk past the spinning pillar covered in a rotating rotation of ads, they adjust based on your previous purchase history. You see something you like and open your wallet to take a look at what you have on hand.</p> <p>Once opened you find it full of things you never purchased, currencies you didn&rsquo;t even know existed. Knock-offs of the real items you own (which one is the real one again?). As you stroll through a truly decentralized metaverse, the future, you are confident in your anonymity, but nothing feels private, you are more targeted and seen than you ever were in web2.</p> <p>Privacy regulation is a progressive topic as individuals seek to protect themselves and their data. In the worst of cases, too much information about you can lead to sophisticated phishing attacks, or even identity theft. More commonly however you just feel used.</p> <p>Major technical orgs leverage this data to hand over to advertising partners, to get your eyeballs on products you are more likely to buy. But there is hope, after decades of browser cookies being used to track your behavior towards these ends, regulations such as GDPR have emerged with more on the way to allow you to opt into which sites you let set these trackers.</p> <p>But while we set the standards for how this web 2.0 world should work, the next phase of digital interaction is already being built. Digital wallets powered by the blockchain, 3D universes with star-studded performances, and alternate realities exist and are ever-growing. But the models for privacy around these don&rsquo;t map to what we are exploring for the web as most know it today.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>