The Marketing Secret Silicon Valley Tech Giants Haven’t Dominated Yet

<p>Two words. Sonic branding.</p> <p>If you&rsquo;re thinking &ldquo;what&rsquo;s sonic branding?&rdquo;, you&rsquo;re not alone. If you have a business and you&rsquo;re thinking &ldquo;who cares&rdquo; the answer is &mdash; you should.</p> <p>Sonic branding is the integration of custom branded sound into a brands&rsquo; marketing strategy.</p> <blockquote> <p>Sonic branding is the difference between &ldquo;meh&rdquo; and &ldquo;wow&rdquo; advertising.</p> </blockquote> <p>Silicon Valley is known for their ground breaking technical discoveries and enhancements. Some like Apple,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Intel</a>, and Netflix have even defined themselves through their one of a kind sounds.</p> <p>But other than a very select few, not all of them have fully embraced branded sound in marketing.</p> <h1>Sonic Branding in Silicon Valley</h1> <p>Intel arguably started with what some consider the first official sonic logo (although I don&rsquo;t think they even called it that at first). They made us &ldquo;need&rdquo; an Intel Pentium Processor Chip in our computers. How? By repeating their iconic 5 note mnemonic, or sonic logo.</p> <p>Apple followed suit with an &ldquo;accident&rdquo; of sorts. Jim Reeks, Apple&rsquo;s Senior Software Architect back in the 80&rsquo;s and 90&rsquo;s, snuck in the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">boot up sound</a>&nbsp;most of us grew up with as a last minute replacement to the existing tri-tone sound. He saw it as a &ldquo;don&rsquo;t ask, apologize later&rdquo; opportunity. That sound lasted decades.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>