The Introspection Of Collectors

<p>Most parents will reach a time where they will encourage you to stop wasting your time on &lsquo;nonsense&rsquo;. Playing video games. Watching juvenile movies. Collecting useless junk, they see no value in.</p> <p>A distraction, these activities are coined and demonised by our parents, turning these innocent pastimes into behaviours we adults must avoid.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m grateful to have never had one of those conversations with my mother.</p> <p>If I had, who knows where I would be today?</p> <p><em>Unfulfilled, having given up my collection dreams prematurely?</em></p> <p>Because the things I&rsquo;ve learned, the rollercoaster I&rsquo;ve ridden for the last twenty-five years, thanks to &lsquo;juvenile behaviour&rsquo;, have shaped my life. And given me hope for a better version of myself as I grow older and wiser.</p> <h1>And so it begins&hellip;</h1> <p>I&rsquo;ve been a collector of Garfield books ever since I can remember. Yet, it wasn&rsquo;t my Garfield comic book that initiated the obsession; it was two owned by my brother.</p> <p>Whenever he wasn&rsquo;t reading the publications, I had them firmly in my grasp until, one day, my savvy and observant mother bestowed me with my mini-collection.</p> <p>For my mother, this was another day entertaining her three children. For me, this was the day my life shifted beyond recognition.</p> <p>We were in a Borders bookshop. The chain, no longer in business, I considered a haven of endless interest. Everywhere you turned, something new and fabulous caught my eye.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>