The Internet is Chaos. It’s A Reflection of Humanity.

<p>The internet, and I include the world wide web in that word, has become a messy, chaotic, unruly mess. Navigating a news media site to actually get to the article you want to read has become a nightmare. Streaming services are taking us back to the age of regular cable TV with ads. Social Media platforms have lost sight of the humans and started chasing each others algorithms. They&rsquo;re failing. The commercial internet was built in a chaotic way from the start, as most free markets are. And while this can all be very frustrating, it also reflects humanity. This may actually be good.</p> <p>Humans have always been messy and haphazard in the sociocultural systems that we&rsquo;ve built. Throughout history we&rsquo;ve tried many political systems. Much of the ideas of the Enlightenment that drove Western European thinking, societal and political models&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">actually came from Native American societies</a>&nbsp;such as the Mi&rsquo;kmaq and Algonkians, especially human rights. The technologies that evolved from different cultures and became digital did so in chaotic ways. The internet itself is the combining of a number of pre-existing technologies.</p> <p>We have this notion, because it&rsquo;s easier for our minds to process, that big social changes happened overnight. One day we&rsquo;re picking berries and the next we were planting berry bushes. In reality, it took thousands of years for agriculture to evolve. Or one day we just switched from feudalism to democracy or communism. Political processes and today&rsquo;s dominant models took hundreds of thousands of years. And we&rsquo;re still figuring this out.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>