The Illusion of Easy in programming

<p>Have you ever been programming, listening to songs in background, crushing it when suddenly</p> <pre> Test failed: Expected ligma got balls, lol have fun figuring this one out bud</pre> <p>The same thing happened to me when I was working on the LeetCode problem&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Minimum fuel to report to capital</a>. It is a pretty standard graph problem which uses DFS/BFS and I had already solved the problem in Rust, C, and Java so I figured, I&rsquo;d transcribe it to python because obviously the next step when you have solved a problem in 3 different languages is to solve it in a 4th language.</p> <p>So, I basically did a one to one translation of my Rust code to my Python and&hellip;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Have a look at my code in rust and python and see if you can spot the bug</p> <pre> impl Solution { pub fn minimum_fuel_cost(roads: Vec&lt;Vec&lt;i32&gt;&gt;, seats: i32) -&gt; i64 { const CAPITAL : usize = 0; let num_of_cities: usize = roads.len() + 1; let seats: i64 = i64::from(seats); let mut adj_list : Vec&lt;Vec&lt;usize&gt;&gt; = vec![Vec::with_capacity(num_of_cities); num_of_cities]; for road in roads { adj_list[road[0] as usize].push(road[1] as usize); adj_list[road[1] as usize].push(road[0] as usize); } let mut distances: Vec&lt;u32&gt; = vec![0; num_of_cities]; let mut frontier: Vec&lt;(usize, u32)&gt; = vec![(CAPITAL, 0)]; let mut visited: Vec&lt;bool&gt; = vec![false; num_of_cities]; while let Some((city, dist)) = frontier.pop() { distances[city] = dist; visited[city] = true; for &amp;neighbor in adj_list[city].iter() { if !visited[neighbor] { frontier.push((neighbor, dist + 1)); } } } let mut frontier : Vec&lt;usize&gt; = (0..num_of_cities).collect(); let mut people_count : Vec&lt;i64&gt; = vec![1; num_of_cities]; frontier.sort_unstable_by_key(|&amp;city| distances[city]); while let Some(city) = frontier.pop() { for &amp;neighbor in adj_list[city].iter() { if distances[neighbor] &lt; distances[city] { people_count[neighbor] += people_count[city]; break; } } } let car_count : Vec&lt;i64&gt; = people_count .into_iter() .map(|count| count / seats + if count % seats == 0 {0} else {1}) .collect(); let capital_count = car_count[CAPITAL]; car_count.into_iter().sum::&lt;i64&gt;() - capital_count } }</pre> <pre> class Solution: def __init__(self): self._CAPITAL = 0 def minimumFuelCost(self, roads: List[List[int]], seats: int) -&gt; int: number_of_cities: int = len(roads) + 1 adj_list: List[List[int]] = [[]] * number_of_cities for road in roads: adj_list[road[0]].append(road[1]) adj_list[road[1]].append(road[0]) distances: List[int] = [0] * number_of_cities frontier: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [(self._CAPITAL, 0)] visited: List[bool] = [False] * number_of_cities while frontier: city, distance = frontier.pop(-1) distances[city] = distance visited[city] = True for neighbor in adj_list[city] : if not visited[neighbor]: frontier.append((neighbor, distance + 1)) frontier: List[int] = sorted(range(number_of_cities), key = lambda city : distances[city]) people_count: List[int] = [1] * number_of_cities while frontier: city = frontier.pop() for neighbor in adj_list[city]: if distances[neighbor] &lt; distances[city] : people_count[neighbor] += people_count[city] break people_count.pop(0) car_count: List[int] = [(count // seats) + (1 if count % seats != 0 else 0) for count in people_count] return sum(car_count)</pre> <p>Do you see it? If you don&rsquo;t I&rsquo;ll give you the line, see if you can find it with that</p> <p>The problem is in the following line</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>