The Heart of Equilibrium: Strength, Vulnerability, and the Yin-Yang

<p>Ever had one of those days that was just going great and in an instant, something knocks you off balance? I&rsquo;ve had many of them over the years. I&rsquo;ve found even though sometimes it may take a few days, I always find my footing and get back to a more balanced presence.</p> <p>The Yin-Yang symbol finds its roots in ancient Chinese philosopy. It represents the interdependent relationships between opposites. The Yin, the dark part, represents passivity, receptivity, feminity and the moon. The Yang represents light, activity, assertiveness, masculinity and the sun.</p> <p>Depicting the Yin-Yang constructed with glass represents strength and vulnerability within our often fragile existence coming into balance. White is purity, innocence and completeness. Purple brings a depth, rich with spirituality and wisdom. The gold intermixed with both colours represents weath, divinity and durability of both the yin and the yang.</p> <p>The enduring presence of this ancient symbol speaks to the inner presence of the will to seek physical and spiritual balance when life creates an imbalance. Life can be complex to navigate through at the best of times. At the worst of times, it can take all the inner wisdom and strength we can muster to make our way through the turmoil.</p> <p>Equilibrium is not a static, unchanging state. It&rsquo;s found in the ebbs and flows of life. When we feel off-balance, we can make our way back to balance by adjusting to the ebbs and flows, working our way out of the imbalance to find our footing.</p> <p>Our footing allows the ebbs and flows of constant change to flow through us and around us so we absorb what we need and let the rest move on. Life is good when we get out of our head and allow the heart to lead with strength and vulnerability.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>