How to Be Popular When You’re Not One of the Cool Kids (The Grownup Version)

<p><strong>I don&rsquo;t know how many of you were the popular kids in high school, but I know for a fact I wasn&rsquo;t one of them.</strong></p> <p><strong>To tell you the truth, I wasn&rsquo;t even considering it as a possibility.</strong>&nbsp;I knew it was a thing, but not a thing that I would ever have access to, just like being the president of America, or free diving for pearls.</p> <p>There are some things that a select few do, but most of us don&rsquo;t. I was like most of us.</p> <p><strong>In high school, the select few were the popular kids. At the time, they seemed like a different species, and not one I was looking to get close to.</strong></p> <p>They were usually tall and conventionally good-looking. Or at least non-ugly, and appeared content with their looks, at a time when most of us were going through a painful and never-ending zit-studded puberty.</p> <p>The boys were always laughing and the girls were always serious, with a small but all-knowing smile on the corner of their thin lips. There were no fat-lipped popular girls around my high school. It wasn&rsquo;t a thing at the time.</p> <p>Walking around in groups, laughing, talking to each other, and&nbsp;<strong>acting as if the world was their oyster and the rest of us insignificant specks of dust that were just there for the show.</strong></p> <p>The popular kids always had good social skills, even when they were bullies. And yes, some of the popular ones were bullies, but never to each other.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Cool Kids