The Garden of my soul

<p>In the garden of my soul, once bloomed a vibrant rose,<br /> Its petals kissed by sunshine, its fragrance filled with prose.<br /> But shadows crept like thieves, sneaking through the night,<br /> They stole the hues of beauty, and robbed the rose of light.</p> <p>Each petal, like a memory, was plucked away in haste,<br /> Leaving behind an emptiness, a void that can&#39;t be traced.<br /> And like a puzzle missing pieces, my essence torn apart,<br /> I wandered through the labyrinth, searching for my heart.</p> <p>In the attic of my mind, cobwebs veiled the past,<br /> A tapestry unraveling, a spell that couldn&#39;t last.<br /> The portraits on the walls, once vivid, now seemed pale,<br /> Their stories fading whispers, a forgotten fairy tale.</p> <p>Through misty halls, I roamed, seeking the hidden key,<br /> To unlock the door of self, to set my spirit free.<br /> In the reflection of a pond, I glimpsed a fleeting face,<br /> But it wavered like a mirage, lost in time and space.</p> <p>Yet deep within, a ember glowed, a spark that still remained,<br /> A core of strength and courage, a fire that sustained.<br /> I gathered fragments of myself, like stars in darkened skies,<br /> Assembling constellations from the tears within my eyes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Garden Soul