The Future of Storytelling: Creating Compelling Photo-to-Audio Narratives with free AI

<p>We are surrounded by AI models and tools: it is better to say that for the one of us that are following the evolution of LLMs we are almost overloaded.</p> <p>But don&rsquo;t you feel that we are left behind? Big companies and tools are hidden behind black boxes, and we are not entitled to understand how they works.</p> <p>In this article I want to explore with you a multi-modal approach to Artificial Intelligence, only using open source and free tools. We hack the process and we break it down to simple steps: and then we learn how to do them ourselves.</p> <p>The&nbsp;<strong>Python-Streamlit</strong>&nbsp;app we are going to create is taking one of our photos as an input: the Hugging Face models are going to recognize the text that describe the photo and will generate a short story based on it. After that we will generate an audio based on that short story. Cool, isn&rsquo;t it?</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>