The Future is Now: 3 AI Tools Every Developer Should Know

<p>As developers, we&rsquo;ve all been there &mdash; stuck trying to juggle coding, meetings, and documentation. It&rsquo;s easy to get bogged down with monotonous tasks that eat up our time. But what if AI could swoop in and automate some of that work for us? Well, the future is now, friends! There are some game-changing new AI tools that every developer should check out.</p> <h1>Supernormal &mdash; AI Meeting Assistant</h1> <p><img alt="" src="*BA9dkS_QZbJ2mY7pZMZjJg.jpeg" style="height:934px; width:700px" /></p> <p>As developers, it sometimes feels like our days are consumed by a relentless parade of meetings &mdash; sprint plannings, standups, design reviews, and more. As much as we try to stay engaged, our minds inevitably start to wander as the meetings drag on. Before we know it, we&rsquo;ve missed half the discussion and have no idea what follow-ups or action items we&rsquo;re responsible for.</p> <p>But what if there was an AI assistant that could join these marathon meetings and flawlessly document everything for you? Enter Supernormal &mdash; the game-changing AI note-taker.</p> <p>Supernormal is an AI-based virtual assistant that creates summaries of meetings, calls, and events. It listens to conversations in real time and produces organized transcripts, highlights, and notes. Supernormal speeds up documentation while ensuring no key details are missed. Definitely recommend this AI assistant to any dev worn down by meetings! It&rsquo;s been life-changing having this automated documentation support.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Code tools