Leadership Of The Future

<p><strong>Once more with feeling! More diversity, more flexible working conditions, aligning the company sustainably. Modern leadership demands a lot from managers &mdash; and relies more and more on emotions. These five key competencies make us fit for the future.</strong></p> <p><em>Written by Lars Kreyenhagen, Chief Strategist and Co-Founder, Karl Anders</em></p> <p>The times, they are A-changing: The buzzword &ldquo;new work&rdquo; had already been used to discuss self-organisation, flexible work and the dismantling of hierarchies in companies. Then the pandemic came and shook even those awake who previously did not want to hear anything about the future of work.</p> <p>Working from home? Go! Authority-seeking in the workplace? No one needs that any longer. Bonuses for loyal followers? Money alone is not everything. The pandemic acted as a booster on our perception and has shown that in many places: the &ldquo;firm hand&rdquo; as a management style is increasingly falling flat.</p> <p>Employees are increasingly rebelling against control and presenteeism. Strengths are depleted, health is in tatters. After all, we have been through two traumatic pandemic years &mdash; as a team, though. And between the war in Ukraine and the climate crisis, the future really does not look too bright at the moment.</p> <p><strong>Leading amidst the conditions of &ldquo;the new normal&rdquo;</strong></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@linda_35724/leadership-of-the-future-once-more-with-feeling-7593f0a0e430"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>