Weekly Overview of the Bundle For Ukraine Page 21: The Flip

<h1>Overview</h1> <p>How do we keep going from one extreme to another? It&rsquo;s actually impressive. With only 9 entries of video games to the 21 software, we seem to be constantly going back and forth between majorities. I&rsquo;m still deciding if this is due to the volatility of the later pages, or if there might be a different trend due to their grouping. It probably isn&rsquo;t anything worth investigating heavily, but it&rsquo;s nice to look at for fun.</p> <p>On the other hand, there&nbsp;<em>technically</em>&nbsp;is a duplicate this week. It isn&rsquo;t really one, but I wanted to put it down as such for convenience of my brain. You&rsquo;ll see what I mean when you get down there.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/theuglymonster/wobfu-page-21-the-flip-d3085cf2a8ed"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bundle Ukraine