When Was The First Time You Took a Flight? Where Did You Go?

<p>For me, it was at the age of ten on board a very rickety Garuda Airline to Medan, Indonesia and we saw the beautiful Lake Toba. I recall we had a wonderful tour guide and she told us Indonesians added a spoonful of butter to their coffee. I realise we already did this as we dunk our buttered toast into our&nbsp;<em>Kopi</em>. It enhances the taste.</p> <p>For my mum, it was at age 23, just before her 24th birthday and it was on honeymoon to Hong Kong. She had free airline tickets then as she worked for the local airline and it was then part of the benefits package. The good old 70&rsquo;s with lifelong employment.</p> <p>For my mum&rsquo;s younger sister, my&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@chelliahshanti/my-small-mother-15d28c48bca9" rel="noopener"><em>sinnamma</em></a>, it was at age 25 to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.</p> <p>For my uncle A it was age 25 to Lake Toba as well when he was working as a teacher.</p> <p>For my little nieces, it was at age 3 to Barcelona and they don&rsquo;t quite even recall the trip being too young.</p> <p>For my dad, my mum recalls that it was about age 24 back to Sri Lanka to visit his parents after graduation.</p> <p>His mother&rsquo;s brother wanted him to marry his cousin, so after that, he avoided his uncle and didn&rsquo;t go back. I recall him telling me this tale of how they owned a jewellery shop and the uncle was not happy with him for not agreeing to marry his cousin.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@chelliahshanti/when-was-the-first-time-you-took-a-flight-where-did-you-go-37e14801cf8a"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Flight Go